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Brian's Newsletter

March 2025 Newsletter

Dear Valued Customer,

As a boater, March is one of my favorite months for two reasons. First, on Sunday the 9th Daylight Saving Time begins. Second, Thursday the 20th is the first day of Spring. I know that we’re all looking forward to the extra daylight at the end of the day and not that I’m rushing things along, but warm weather can’t come soon enough for me! I know that February is a short month, but it always flies by with all the things that happen around here. Between the Miami Boat Show, the post-show interest in boating, and our “little” town being at full capacity, this time of the year is a busy one!

March kicked off with our Annual Grady Bunch Banquet at the Vero Beach Yacht Club on Sunday the 2nd. This is always a fun gathering of friends and the Yacht Club always does a good job. Next up on the Grady Bunch calendar is a Secret Destination lunch on Tuesday the 25th. Even though it’s a secret I’ll give you a hint and tell you that our compass heading will generally be at about 180°. Thanks to those of you who joined us for our February Sebastian River Run. It’s always fun to sneak along the North Fork and get off the beaten path. There were unconfirmed reports of someone’s draft exceeding its depth. As they say, “if you don’t bump the bottom every once in a while, you’re not using your boat enough”!  As I’m finishing up this month’s newsletter on the Monday after our Annual Grady Bunch Banquet, I’m happy to report that it was another fun gathering of like-minded boaters. It was an evening of fun, fellowship and memories. A fun slideshow of our boating trips certainly brought back many fond memories! This year marks the Grady Bunch “Having Fun on The Water” for 37 years! We’ve come a long way and we’re far from done. Thanks to all of you Grady Bunch members for being a part of a very Special Thing!

Over in the service department there’s plenty going on. First and foremost, I would like to welcome aboard Kris Goranson as our new service manager. Kris is only in week two here at Vero Marine Center but I expect great things ahead. Nick Duffy will remain in a parts and service capacity, and don’t worry Boo isn’t going anywhere. Boo will be focusing more on things outside of the office of which there are plenty. Especially this time of year as we approach “warehouse season”! We know that just after Easter the northbound migration will begin, and we will be ready. Over the next few weeks storage reservation forms will be sent out and as usual I’m certain that we will be at full capacity, so don’t delay in your return responses. We will be sending them via email or if we don’t have a current email address for you then it will be sent via regular mail to your billing address, so keep an eye out. We’ll do our very best to squeeze as many boats inside out of the weather as we did last year, which was another record breaker. Our workload in the service department remains steady and we continue to schedule maintenance by appointment, so let Kris or Nick know what we can do to keep your baby running smoothly and we’ll get you on the schedule. Our goal is for a quick turnaround on service work so you can get back out on the water as soon as possible!

In the sales department our inventory is right on track. We have a great inventory of both Grady White and Robalo Boats. Our Yamaha inventory is finally back where it should be as well. Don’t forget, if you’re ready for a new boat or a re-power of the boat you know and love, March is the final month of both Grady White and Yamaha’s sales promotions. I don’t know anyone opposed to saving money and extended warranties, so why wait!? As always, we would like to welcome the newest additions to the “Busy Marina” crew and this month we welcome aboard Mr. Alan Clarke, Beck Brothers Enterprises, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Koster, Mr. Harry Hellyer, Mr. Stephen Zilko, and Mr. Stephane Fecteau. We thank you all for your business and we look forward to helping you and your family enjoy your time on the water!           


Time spent on the water is still the best way I know to unwind and bring some focus to the high-speed world that we live in. After spending time in Miami this past month it’s pretty easy to appreciate how good we have it here in Vero Beach! The big city can be a fun place to visit but there is no denying that we live in a great place. As the days get longer take the time to get out on the boat and enjoy what our waterfront has to offer. The clock is only wound once so get outside and go boating. A little sunshine and salt air goes a long way! All of us here at Vero Marine Center thank you for your business and your loyalty. We will continue to “Take Your Boating Fun Seriously”! 


Brian Cunningham

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." ~ Warren Buffett

 Jim Stanley Accepting the Coveted Guiding Light Award

Will Willauer Aboard His Robalo 246 Cayman

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