Happy February everyone! I don’t know about you, but after having a taste of Winter in January I’m ready for summer! The long range forecast for February is looking great at this stage of the game. Whenever I see a high temperature in the 80’s I’m ready to get out on the water!
When I look at my calendar there is no question as to what month of the year it is. This year will mark the 27th year of The Moorings Club Habitat for Humanity Golf Tournament and we are once again proud to be a major sponsor of this wonderful event. Habitat for Humanity is one of our most favorite charities and we’re happy to be a part of it. It’s always rewarding to see these fine folks make good things happen right here in Indian River County. Another reminder of what month we’re in is that the Miami International Boat Show is right around the corner. This year the show will run from Wednesday, February 12th through Sunday, February 16th and Artie and I will split up our time in the Grady White booth at the Convention Center. For those of you in the Grady Bunch, don’t forget Grady Guys and Grady Ladies luncheons at the Vero Beach Yacht Club on February 5th and 6th respectively and Sebastian River Cruise and Raft Up on the 11th. I would tell you where we’re going but then it wouldn’t be a secret would it? Also, our Annual Grady Bunch Banquet is on Sunday, March 2nd at the Vero Beach Yacht Club. Amazingly this is the 37th Anniversary of the forming of the Grady Bunch and what a long way we’ve come! In our planning for the Bahamas trip I’m often reminded that when we started the “Bunch”, the biggest boat that Grady White built was 25 feet! Once again, what a long way we’ve come!
Although both Artie and Joe have been busy helping boaters find the “Right Boat” our inventory is shaping up nicely. Our Robalo inventory is just about where it should be and once we receive the next few unsold Grady White’s we’ll have a full sales lot again. Timing is everything in life and between the sales promotions currently offered by Grady White, Robalo and Yamaha and the arrival of new models almost every week, I think that it’s perfect timing to consider a new boat! As always, we would like to welcome aboard and say THANK YOU to the newest members of the Vero Marine Center crew and this month we welcome Mr. Peter Brocker, Mr. Bill Briggs, Mr. Tim Orr, Mr. Ian Wolfenden, Mr. Ozana Halik, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Russell, Mr. Clinton Buchner, Daytona Fire Department, Mr. Jody Miller, and Mr. Herb Gullquist. We truly thank you all for your business and the trust you put in us to get the job done right. We look forward to helping you enjoy your time on the water!
Over In the service department, this is usually the best time of the year for scheduling service. Typically, we’re in between the Fall launching and commissioning and the Spring hauling and warehousing, but once again this year was a little different. We were a little busier in January than in past years. It certainly wasn’t the Florida winter weather! Maybe it’s because we’re the only authorized Yamaha service center in Indian River County, or perhaps it’s because we live in a great boating community. Whatever the reasons may be, it will always be our goal to do the best work possible with your best interests in mind. At the end of the day there’s no question that we’re thankful to be as busy as we are. The message here is that if your boat is in need of service, call Boo or Nick and get your name on the board! Busy times continue….
As our “little” town grows and the speed of life continues to accelerate, don’t forget to take time to “stop and smell the roses” as they say. We live, work and play in a great spot. It may not be the secret that it once was, but as far as I’m concerned, it continues to be the benchmark for a great place to live and go boating! There’s nothing like getting out on the water to reset and refresh the busy world that we all live in. I have to once again say Thank You to all of you for continued support, your confidence, your loyalty, and your kind referrals. I’m looking ahead to another great year on the water! We’ll see you out there!
Brian Cunningham
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ~ Winston Churchill
Winter Moon Rise in Vero Beach
Boo's 251 GW in the Water Trap at the VB Country Club